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ISO10012测量体系认证的流程 发布时间: 2024-07-07 17:54 点击:
Applying for ISO10012 certification usually involves the following steps:
- 初步评估:专家团队对企业当前的计量体系进行初步诊断。
-Preliminary assessment: The expert team conducts a preliminary diagnosis of the current measurement system of the enterprise.
- 文件准备:根据评审结果编制和完善必要的程序文件和工作指导书。
-Document preparation: Based on the review results, prepare and improve necessary procedural documents and work instructions.
- 内部培训:为相关人员举办专业培训以加强理解和执行能力。
-Internal training: Conduct professional training for relevant personnel to enhance their understanding and execution abilities.
- 实施改进:依据标准要求改善现有的测量设备及其管理系统。
-Implementation improvement: Improve existing measurement equipment and its management system according to standard requirements.
- 审核申请:正式提交审核所需的全部文档资料。
-Review application: Formally submit all necessary documents and materials for review.
- 认证审核:由第三方机构派出审核员进行全面现场审查。
-Certification review: A comprehensive on-site review will be conducted by auditors dispatched by a third-party organization.
- 发放证书:经确认满足标准要求后,颁发ISO10012认证证书。
-Certificate issuance: After confirming that the standard requirements are met, an ISO10012 certification certificate will be issued.
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