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ISO10012测量体系认证的办理周期 发布时间: 2024-07-07 17:56 点击:
The duration of the entire ISO10012 measurement system certification process depends on the size of the enterprise, the complexity of the business, and the level of preparation work.
Generally speaking, it may take several months from the beginning of preparation to the final receipt of the certificate. It can be divided into several stages:
- 准备阶段:视企业实际情况,此阶段可能需几周至几个月不等;
-Preparation stage: Depending on the actual situation of the enterprise, this stage may take several weeks to several months;
- 审核阶段:初次审核一般会在几天内完成,之后还需要一段时间来进行不符合项整改;
-Review stage: The initial review is usually completed within a few days, and it will take some time to rectify any non conformities afterwards;
- 得到证书:一旦顺利通过终审,则很快就会收到官方发放的认证证书
-Obtain the certificate: Once successfully passed the final review, you will soon receive the official certification certificate.
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