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ISO27701认证,EBANX通过ISO/IEC27701:2019认证,强化数据隐私保护 发布时间: 2024-06-27 15:39 点击:
近日,专注于新兴市场支付服务的全球科技公司EBANX荣获隐私信息管理体系(PIMS)顶级国际认证ISO/IEC 27701:2019。该认证确保EBANX严格遵循市场上数据隐私保护的最佳实践。这一认证是ISO/IEC 27001的延伸,后者涉及信息安全,EBANX早在2019年就已获得认证。EBANX首席产品与技术官(CPTO)法比奥·斯科佩塔(Fabio Scopeta)表示:“获得这项附加认证是EBANX的一个里程碑。它强化了我们对信息安全的承诺,并证明了我们能够满足最高的国际隐私保护标准。”
Recently, global technology company EBANX, which focuses on payment services in emerging markets, was awarded the top international certification for Privacy Information Management Systems (PIMS) ISO/IEC 27701:2019. This certification ensures that EBANX strictly follows the best practices for data privacy protection in the market. This certification is an extension of ISO/IEC 27001, which involves information security. EBANX was certified as early as 2019. Fabio Scopeta, Chief Product and Technology Officer (CPTO) of EBANX, said, "Obtaining this additional certification is a milestone for EBANX. It strengthens our commitment to information security and proves that we can meet the highest international privacy protection standards."
Dedicated to data security
ISO/IEC 27701:2019认证为EBANX的商家、消费者和员工带来了诸多益处。对他们来说,这意味着他们的个人和商业信息将得到细致的照顾和保护,涵盖EBANX在数据生命周期内的各个使用环节。斯科佩塔表示:“健康、可持续的数据管理以及符合法规的处理和保留期限至关重要,这也适用于我们员工的数据和任何消费者的购买数据。”
The ISO/IEC 27701:2019 certification brings many benefits to EBANX merchants, consumers, and employees. For them, this means that their personal and business information will be carefully taken care of and protected, covering all aspects of EBANX's use throughout the data lifecycle. "Healthy and sustainable data management, as well as compliant processing and retention periods, are crucial, and this also applies to our employee data and any consumer purchase data," Skopeta said
Adopting such measures to make EBANX and its technology more secure and reliable is particularly important for a company operating in 29 countries. EBANX's team is located in Latin America, Africa, Europe, the United States, China, Singapore, and other countries in Asia, providing services to businesses worldwide. Skopeta added, "This certification enables us to address complex regulations in various regions, ensuring that our operations meet the highest safety standards in all markets."
Strengthening EBANX's cutting-edge technology and data management
通过获得ISO/IEC 27701:2019认证,EBANX进一步强化了其前沿技术和数据管理,展示了公司在维护数据质量和安全标准方面流程的稳健性。为了达到认证标准,EBANX必须对内部进行一系列变革,以增强其隐私信息管理系统。这个认证过程非常严格,需要全公司共同努力。斯科佩塔详细介绍道:“我们必须审查所有文件和流程,实施新的隐私控制措施,制定风险管理计划,完善内部协议,进行团队培训等等。”为了保持认证,EBANX将接受年度审核,确认公司不仅遵守国际法规,而且持续改进既定的最佳实践。“EBANX致力于培养以卓越和责任为导向的企业文化,获得ISO/IEC 27701认证是这一承诺的明证。”
By obtaining ISO/IEC 27701:2019 certification, EBANX has further strengthened its cutting-edge technology and data management, demonstrating the robustness of the company's processes in maintaining data quality and safety standards. In order to meet certification standards, EBANX must undergo a series of internal changes to enhance its privacy information management system. This certification process is very strict and requires joint efforts from the entire company. Skopeta explained in detail, "We must review all documents and processes, implement new privacy control measures, develop risk management plans, improve internal agreements, conduct team training, and more." In order to maintain certification, EBANX will undergo annual audits to confirm that the company not only complies with international regulations, but also continuously improves established best practices. "EBANX is committed to cultivating a culture of excellence and responsibility, and obtaining ISO/IEC 27701 certification is a clear proof of this commitment."
EBANX is a leading cross-border payment platform that connects international merchants with the world's fastest-growing emerging market digital economy. EBANX was founded in Brazil in 2012, dedicated to connecting customers with global e-commerce. EBANX provides hundreds of payment methods covering Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, and Asia to international merchants with its powerful proprietary technology and infrastructure, as well as in-depth understanding of the market where its business operates. EBANX not only provides payment services, but also helps merchants improve sales performance and create a seamless user shopping experience.
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