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ISO50001能源管理体系认证简介(GB/T23331-2020 /ISO50001:2018) 发布时间: 2024-07-11 15:53 点击:
ISO50001能源管理体系认证简介(GB/T23331-2020 /ISO50001:2018)
Introduction to ISO50001 Energy Management System Certification (GB/T23331-2020/ISO50001:2018)
能源管理体系认证,是指申请认证的企业按照GB/T23331-2020 /ISO50001:2018标准要求建立能源管理体系,并至少有效运行6个月,由国家认监委批准设立的认证机构对其能源管理体系及其运行情况、能源管理绩效进行现场审核,经综合评价后,对符合条件的企业颁发认证证书的过程。认证依据:适用的法律法规、标准及其他要求
Energy management system certification refers to the process in which an enterprise applying for certification establishes an energy management system in accordance with the requirements of GB/T23331-2020/ISO50001:2018 standard, and operates it effectively for at least 6 months. The certification body approved by the State Administration for Market Regulation conducts on-site audits of its energy management system, its operation, and energy management performance, and after comprehensive evaluation, issues certification certificates to eligible enterprises. Certification Basis: Applicable laws, regulations, standards, and other requirements
1、GB/T23331-2020 / ISO50001:2018
1 GB/T23331-2020 / ISO50001:2018
2. Industry certification requirements for energy management systems
3. Energy management system documents established by the enterprise
Certification method: certification review+post certification supervision
● Certification Implementation: Third Party Certification Body
Certification cycle: every three years
●认证结论:能源管理体系是否符合GB/T23331-2020 /ISO50001:2018 要求
Certification conclusion: Does the energy management system comply with the requirements of GB/T23331-2020/ISO50001:2018
Enterprise energy performance: comprehensive energy consumption per unit product
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