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质量保证体系的基本概念-ISO9001质量管理体系认证网 发布时间: 2024-07-20 18:35 点击:
Basic Concepts of Quality Assurance System - ISO9001 Quality Management System Certification Network
A simple and easy to understand quality assurance system is to systematize, standardize, and institutionalize quality assurance activities through the adoption of established systems, regulations, methods, procedures, and institutions. The core of the quality assurance system is to rely on human initiative and creativity, and to harness the power of science and technology.
The embodiment of the quality assurance system is a series of manuals, compilations, and charts.
The quality assurance system refers to an organic whole of quality management in which an enterprise, with the goal of improving and ensuring product quality, uses systematic methods and relies on necessary organizational structures to tightly organize the quality management activities of various departments and links within the organization. It controls all factors that affect product quality throughout the entire process of product development, design and manufacturing, sales and service, and intelligence feedback, forming a clear task, responsibility, authority, mutual coordination, and mutual promotion.
The quality assurance system is divided into internal quality assurance system and external quality assurance system.
The core of implementing a quality assurance system lies in relying on human initiative and creativity, and harnessing the power of science and technology.
The quality assurance system is a systematic technical and management standardization measure implemented within an enterprise. It refers to all necessary planned and systematic enterprise activities established by the enterprise to produce products that meet contract requirements, meet the requirements of quality supervision and certification work.
It includes providing necessary technical and management evidence to ensure quality to users externally. Although this evidence is often provided in the form of written quality assurance documents, it is backed by actual internal quality assurance activities, indicating that the product or service is completed under strict quality management and has sufficient management and technical assurance capabilities.
In the contractual environment, the quality assurance system is a means for the construction unit to gain the trust of the construction unit, making people believe that a certain product or service can meet the given quality requirements
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