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ISO会议-ISO/TC134肥料、土壤调理剂和有益物质第16届年会在比利时布鲁塞尔国家标准管 发布时间: 2024-05-24 15:19 点击:
May 15-17, 2024, The 16th Annual Conference of ISO/TC134 "Fertilizers, Soil Conditioners and Beneficial Substances" was held at the National Standards Administration in Brussels, Belgium. Fang Peng, Deputy Director of the National Fertilizer Quality Inspection Center, led a delegation to attend the conference; As the drafting unit of the international standard for compound fertilizers, Xu Qinzheng, General Manager of Stanley Technology Center, attended the meeting.
ISO/TC134主席刘刚先生代表委员会做年度工作报告。ISO/TC134自1969 年成立以来,已发布肥料国际标准 60项。
Mr. Liu Gang, Chairman of ISO/TC134, presents the annual work report on behalf of the committee. Since its establishment in 1969, ISO/TC134 has issued 60 international standards for fertilizers.
依据《维也纳协定》精神,本次会议就ISO(国际标准化委员会)与 CEN(欧洲标准化委员会)之间的合作展开了讨论。
In accordance with the spirit of the Vienna Agreement, this meeting discussed the cooperation between ISO (International Committee for Standardization) and CEN (European Committee for Standardization).
The meeting also heard a summary report from representatives from China, the United States, Iran and other countries on the detection methods for substances such as polyglutamic acid, amino acids, free formaldehyde in slow-release fertilizers, and phosphorus solubilizing bacteria.
International technology for better fertilizer efficiency. As the drafting unit of the international standard for compound fertilizers, Stanley has participated in international standardization work for ten consecutive years, contributing to the creation of a better agriculture with Chinese efforts.
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