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ISO(国际标准化组织)第124届理事会会议于2024年6月3日至6日在丹麦哥本哈根召开 发布时间: 2024-06-12 16:56 点击:
The 124th Council Meeting of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was held from June 3rd to 6th in Copenhagen, Denmark. Tian Shihong, Deputy Director of the State Administration for Market Regulation and Director of the National Standards Committee, led a delegation to attend the meeting as the Chairman of ISO China's member states and representatives of permanent members.
This conference studied member data protection policies, reviewed the progress of ISO business models and governance reviews, discussed key project proposals such as climate action and machine readable standards, and elected the Chairman of the ISO Consumer Policy Committee.
During the conference, a seminar was also held with the theme of strengthening interaction and exchange between the ISO Council and the Technical Management Bureau. Tian Shihong deeply participated in the discussion and put forward Chinese opinions and suggestions, which were recognized by the ISO Secretary General and attending representatives.
The delegation also visited the Chinese Embassy in the Kingdom of Denmark, visited the Danish National Standardization Agency, and held multiple meetings with ISO Secretary General and key national standardization agencies in the UK, the US, France, Germany, Sweden, Saudi Arabia, and Malaysia. They exchanged in-depth views on further deepening standardization cooperation mechanisms and improving the international standard system in areas such as the digital economy and ports.
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