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国际标准化组织(ISO)正式发布《中医药——姜黄》国际标准 发布时间: 2024-06-15 16:36 点击:
ISO认证咨询服务网 www.cnqr.org从四川省中医药管理局获悉,国际标准化组织(ISO)正式发布《中医药——姜黄》国际标准。据了解,该标准是四川省首批获ISO立项的中医药领域国际标准项目之一,是继推动《欧洲药典》川芎质量标准修订升级和《中医药——川芎》ISO国际标准发布后,四川中医药国际标准化建设进程中的又一重要成果,为国际市场的姜黄贸易提供了药用质量保障依据。
According to the Sichuan Provincial Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has officially released the international standard "Traditional Chinese Medicine - Curcuma". It is understood that this standard is one of the first international standard projects in the field of traditional Chinese medicine in Sichuan Province to be approved by ISO. It is another important achievement in the process of international standardization of traditional Chinese medicine in Sichuan, following the revision and upgrading of the quality standards for Chuanxiong in the European Pharmacopoeia and the release of the ISO international standard for Traditional Chinese Medicine Chuanxiong. It provides a basis for pharmaceutical quality assurance for the international market of turmeric trade.
ISO认证咨询服务网 www.cnqr.org了解到,姜黄收载于《新修本草》《药物出产辩》《本草纲目》等古代医学经典,因富含姜黄素,在抗肿瘤、抗氧化、抗炎、抗胆结石、抗动脉粥样硬化、降血脂、提高免疫力等方面具有独特的药理作用,堪称“植物黄金”。四川是药用姜黄的道地主产区,药材原料每年出口日本、欧盟等国家和地区。
ISO certification consulting service website www.cnqr.org has learned that turmeric is contained in ancient medical classics such as New Revision of Materia Medica, Drug Production Debate, Compendium of Materia Medica, etc. Because it is rich in curcumin, it has unique pharmacological effects in anti-tumor, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti gallstone, anti atherosclerosis, lowering blood fat, improving immunity, etc., and can be called "plant gold". Sichuan is the authentic main production area of medicinal turmeric, and the raw materials are exported to countries and regions such as Japan and the European Union every year.
To adapt to the rapid development of the turmeric industry and enhance the international competitiveness and influence of Sichuan turmeric medicinal materials and products. In 2019, Zhao Junning, a researcher at Sichuan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Wang Mei, a professor at Leiden University in the Netherlands, jointly initiated the proposal for the ISO international standard for turmeric. With the assistance of Professor Mo Ling, Vice Chairman of the Sichuan Provincial Technical Committee for Standardization of Traditional Chinese Medicine, they jointly organized and coordinated research institutions and enterprises such as Sichuan Institute of Drug Inspection, China Institute of Testing Technology, China Institute of Standardization, and Sichuan Institute of Product Quality Supervision, Inspection and Testing. They extensively collected samples from global main production areas such as China, India, Myanmar, Thailand, and European and American markets, conducted relevant research and experimental reviews, and held multiple consultations with international experts on the determination of key quality indicators for turmeric medicinal value. They improved the quality and safety control level of turmeric medicinal materials and ultimately reached a consensus.
ISO认证咨询服务网 www.cnqr.org
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