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ISO/TC307国际标准化组织区块链和分布式记账技术技术委员会在西班牙巴利亚多利德召开 发布时间: 2024-06-16 17:30 点击:
2024年6月3日至7日,国际标准化组织区块链和分布式记账技术技术委员会(ISO/TC 307,以下简称“TC 307”)在西班牙巴利亚多利德以线上线下结合的形式召开了第十四次全体会议及工作组会议。
From June 3rd to 7th, 2024, the Technical Committee on Blockchain and Distributed Accounting of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO/TC 307, hereinafter referred to as "TC 307") held its 14th plenary meeting and working group meeting in Valladolid, Spain, in a combination of online and offline formats.
此次会议汇聚了TC 307的主席、委员会经理,来自29个国家成员体的90余名专家以及多个联络组织代表,包括中国、澳大利亚、美国、英国、德国、法国、日本等国家。
This meeting brought together the Chairman and Committee Manager of TC 307, over 90 experts from 29 member states, and representatives from multiple liaison organizations, including China, Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, and other countries.
中国电子技术标准化研究院(以下简称“电子标准院”),作为TC 307国内技术对口单位,组织了由中国专家组成的代表团参与了此次大会。
The China Institute of Electronic Technology Standardization (hereinafter referred to as the "Institute of Electronic Standards"), as a domestic technology counterpart of TC 307, organized a delegation of Chinese experts to participate in this conference.
全会认真听取了TC 307主席、秘书处及各工作组的工作汇报,并通过了20项重要会议决议。
The plenary session carefully listened to the work reports of the Chairman of TC 307, the Secretariat, and various working groups, and passed 20 important conference resolutions.
This includes establishing a special research group for basic review, which will gather experts to review the necessity of revising the reference architecture and terminology project.
In addition, the plenary session also agreed to vote on a new work project proposal (NP) for one international standard pre research (PWI) and decided to initiate three PWI studies. The 15th plenary session will be held in Sydney, Australia in September 2024.
The Chinese delegation successfully completed its participation tasks according to the scheduled schedule and achieved significant results in this meeting.
In terms of international responsibilities, as the convener of AHG4, actively promoted the progress of work within the group and provided detailed work reports.
在标准推进方面,由我国牵头的ISO/WD TR 25145《基于分布式记账技术的藏品和藏品管理概览》工作组讨论稿于组内达成一致。
In terms of standard promotion, the ISO/WD TR 25145 "Overview of Collectibles and Collection Management Based on Distributed Accounting Technology" working group led by China reached a consensus within the group.
In terms of future layout, an in-depth report on the standardization requirements of Web3.0 was conducted at the launch meeting, providing a new perspective and direction for future standardization work.
下一步,电子标准院将进一步推进智能合约、数字身份、互操作等国际标准的研究与制定工作;持续关注区块链相关政策、技术和标准的最新动态,并向TC 307输出更多技术提案,以促进区块链技术的国际标准化发展。
Next, the Electronic Standards Institute will further promote the research and development of international standards such as smart contracts, digital identities, and interoperability; Continuously monitor the latest developments in blockchain related policies, technologies, and standards, and provide more technical proposals to TC 307 to promote the international standardization development of blockchain technology.
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