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ISO/TC269/SC3第九次全体大会在瑞典斯德哥尔摩召开 发布时间: 2024-07-12 22:39 点击:
日前,在瑞典斯德哥尔摩召开的国际标准化组织 ISO/TC269/SC3 第九次全体大会上,经过法国、德国、日本等 13 个国家专家及观察员全体投票,一致同意通过由中国牵头的《应用自动驾驶模式的运营规则导则》特别工作组项目提案。
Recently, at the 9th General Assembly of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO/TC269/SC3) held in Stockholm, Sweden, experts and observers from 13 countries including France, Germany, and Japan voted unanimously to approve the project proposal of the special working group on "Guidelines for Operating Rules for the Application of Autonomous Driving Modes" led by China.
作为 ISO/TC269/SC3 在中国的技术桥梁,中国铁道科学研究院集团有限公司标准计量研究所积极担当,不仅搭建了合作与交流的平台,更精心组织了一支由铁四院资深专家挂帅、标准计量研究所专家担任秘书,并汇聚了通号所、通号设计院等多家单位精英的特别工作组(AHG)。
As the technical bridge of ISO/TC269/SC3 in China, the Institute of Standards and Metrology of China Academy of Railway Sciences Group Co., Ltd. actively takes on the role, not only building a platform for cooperation and exchange, but also carefully organizing a special working group (AHG) led by senior experts from China Railway Fourth Institute, with experts from the Institute of Standards and Metrology serving as secretaries, and gathering elites from multiple units such as China Railway Signal Institute and China Signal Design Institute.
The "Guidelines for Operating Rules of Applying Autonomous Driving Mode" directly targets the current forefront of autonomous driving technology in the world's railway industry. Its research scope spans the autonomous driving practices of mainline railways in multiple countries and regions around the world, such as China, Europe, and Japan.
The project deeply analyzed the profound impact of autonomous driving mode on the core elements of railway operation, including job configuration, operation process, responsibility division, etc., and based on this, extracted the guiding principles for macro operation rule formulation, providing valuable reference blueprint for the standardized and standardized development of global railway autonomous driving.
值得注意的是,在全球自动驾驶铁路干线的运营版图上,中国已占据了举足轻重的地位。截至目前,全球自动驾驶铁路干线总运营里程约为 923 公里,其中中国独占鳌头,贡献了 68% 的总里程及 97% 的客运里程,彰显了中国铁路在自动驾驶技术领域的深厚积淀与卓越成就。
It is worth noting that China has occupied a pivotal position in the global operation of autonomous railway mainlines. As of now, the total operating mileage of autonomous railway trunk lines worldwide is about 923 kilometers, with China taking the lead, contributing 68% of the total mileage and 97% of the passenger mileage, demonstrating the profound accumulation and outstanding achievements of Chinese railways in the field of autonomous driving technology.
从 2016 年珠三角城际铁路率先实现时速 200 公里的自动驾驶,到 2020 年京张高铁震撼全球的时速 350 公里自动驾驶突破,中国铁路不断刷新着自动驾驶技术的速度与高度,为全球铁路发展树立了新的标杆。
From being the first to achieve autonomous driving at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour on the Pearl River Delta intercity railway in 2016, to the breakthrough of 350 kilometers per hour on the Beijing Zhangjiakou high-speed railway in 2020, China's railways have continuously refreshed the speed and height of autonomous driving technology, setting new benchmarks for global railway development.
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