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ISO/TC264第十三次全体会议暨工作组会议在香港召开 发布时间: 2024-07-20 16:09 点击:
The 13th Plenary Session and Working Group Meeting of ISO/TC264 was held in Hong Kong
The 13th Plenary Session and Working Group Meeting of the International Organization for Standardization/Fireworks Technical Committee will be held in Hong Kong, China from July 16th to 18th, 2024.
Nearly 30 people attended the meeting, including experts from countries and regions such as China, France, Germany, Finland, Israel, India, and Hong Kong, as well as ISO officials, ISO/TC264 chairpersons, project managers, and secretariat staff. The head of standardization and expert representatives from the Science and Technology Innovation Department of Hong Kong, China also attended the meeting.
This meeting is divided into three stages: WG4 (Working Group 4) meeting, WG5 (Working Group 5) meeting, and the 13th plenary session.
At the WG4 meeting, the four international standards for fireworks detection methods developed under the leadership of China entered the FDIS stage, with a focus on discussing two new proposals put forward by China. The attending experts unanimously agreed to improve the proposals and enter the CD voting stage; The WG5 meeting is chaired by Mr. Zhu Yuping, the convener of China, and focuses on discussing the technical content of the standard for "Close range Fireworks". It is planned to submit the CD for voting after the completion by the end of September.
The plenary session was chaired by Chinese expert Xiao Jiangyi, and Ms. Huang Chaxiang comprehensively summarized the work of the previous year. The meeting approved the 2025 work plan and established two new working groups. WG6 is responsible for revising nine series of international standards, IS025947 and IS026261, with China leading the revision of three international standards; WG7 is convened by China and is responsible for formulating international standards for ignition systems.
The meeting resolution states that the next working group and the 14th plenary session will be held in Liuyang, Hunan, China in April 2025.
As of now, the ISO standards for fireworks have increased to 31, with 22 standards led by China. This achievement fully demonstrates China's technological strength and international influence in the field of fireworks and firecrackers, and also contributes Chinese wisdom and solutions to the standardized development of the global fireworks and firecrackers industry.
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