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企业通过知识产权管理体系认证的好处 发布时间: 2020-09-01 13:31 点击:
Benefits of enterprises passing the certification of intellectual property management system
The core purpose of "enterprise intellectual property management standard" is to improve the enterprise's intellectual property management ability, which is reflected in guiding enterprises to establish a scientific, systematic and standardized intellectual property management system, helping enterprises fully implement the intellectual property strategic spirit, actively respond to the intellectual property competition situation, and effectively improve the contribution level of intellectual property to the business development of enterprises.
1. 提升企业无形资产价值在企业融资上市、投资并购及企业出售等资产运作上获取更大的收益。
1. Enhance the value of intangible assets of enterprises, and gain more profits in the operation of financing and listing, investment and M & A and enterprise sales.
2. 巩固企业市场竞争地位使企业开发的具有知识产权保护的产品在销售市场上的地位明显增强。
2. Consolidate the competitive position of enterprises in the market, and enhance the position of products with intellectual property protection in the sales market.
3. 提高企业风险应对能力避免或减少企业在产品全生命周期管理过程中出现知识产权或法律风险。
3. Improve the risk response ability of enterprises, avoid or reduce the intellectual property rights or legal risks in the process of product lifecycle management.
4. 增强企业核心竞争力通过提升企业技术创新能力,支撑企业持续良性发展,保持企业活力与动力。
4. Enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise, support the sustainable and healthy development of the enterprise and maintain the vitality and power of the enterprise by improving the technological innovation ability of the enterprise.
5. 企业知识产权管理规范认证情况是科技项目立项、高新技术企业认定、知识产权示范企业和优势企业认定的重要参考条件。
5. The certification of enterprise intellectual property management standards is an important reference condition for the approval of scientific and technological projects, the identification of high-tech enterprises, intellectual property demonstration enterprises and advantageous enterprises.
Standard implementation certification intellectual property management system standard implementation certification company standard implementation certification subsidy enterprise intellectual property management specification intellectual property management system intellectual property certification intellectual property management manual intellectual property management